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Prime Video users are at risk of ad-supported streaming interruptions

what you should Know

  • Amazon Ads will launch three new interactive ads for Amazon Prime video on TVs and other devices in the living room.
  • The company says this will allow users to shop seamlessly during the 15-30 second ad breaks between their shows/movies.
  • These ads are said to pop up even when the video is paused and show facts about the brand that will help consumers shop better.

Prime Video streaming is about to get a little busier as Amazon announced Tuesday (May 7) that it will add three new shoppable interactive ad formats to its living room streaming platform.

The company said Prime Video will now get an expanded range of shoppable interactive ad formats, including remote activation capabilities for living room devices that are a step up from the usual QR code that appears in an ad.

Brands will now be able to run shopping carousel ads to help viewers browse and shop multiple product variations on Amazon during ad breaks in Prime Video shows and movies. Brands can also use interactive intermission and brand trivia ads on Prime Video TV shows, movies and live sports.

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