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The new Zany Open World game is for all fans of The Simpsons: Hit and Run

Below this paragraph is my full review of Little Terry’s Turbo Ride— a new open-world action comedy game is now on Steam and playable on the Steam Deck. And it’s a good review. It does what you expect. But I can save you some time right now. If you are a fan of Simpson: Hit and Runthen you should play Little Terry’s Turbo Ride. It’s a perfect recreation of that silly open world GTA-like a collect-a-thon experience, only without Homer and Springfield. Anyway, for anyone still reading, here’s the review.

Little Terry’s Turbo Ride tells the classic story of a quirky teenager who skips summer school while his family is on vacation to focus on his dream of driving a car into space. This is the basic premise of Turbo travel. You are Little Terry and after lying to get a job with a taxi company, you get a car. Now it’s your job to go around and collect junk and money to help you upgrade your cab and make it go faster and faster. If you upgrade it all the way, you can climb it up a giant building and into space. Probably. At least that’s the plan. And that is your goal Little Terry’s Turbo Ride.

However, in order to grab all the junk and money needed to make the most of your taxi and reach space, you’ll need to explore a delightfully colorful and fun open world full of characters to help and collectibles to find. immediately, Turbo travelthe cartoon images of impressed me. Even on the Steam Deck, the game looks great, like a poignant, vivid Saturday morning cartoon directed by Weird Al.

Every character I met in this strange world was a deformed lump of bright colors and limbs. Even better, they all made me laugh, often because they didn’t know how to react to Little Terry. His weird antics and dedication to being the weirdest in the room lead to some of the best awkward pauses I’ve ever experienced in a video game.

I also appreciated it, as weird and wild as it was Turbo travel gets, it never feels like it’s doing things just by accident. It still feels like a (somewhat) real world with real people living in it. Even Terry has his moments of real growth and caring. All of this helps the game avoid the trap of being a collection of internet memes and bad jokes randomly stitched together, something that other comedy games can often seem like. There is depth here.

But great writing, colorful visuals, silly antics, and a nice main character aren’t enough to make a great game. You should also have fun playing it and Little Terry’s Turbo Ride it excels at that too.

Super rare originals / Snekflat

It feels lazy, but the best way to describe this game is: Simpson: Hit and Run, but without the copyrighted characters. like Hit and runin Turbo travel you explore a large but not massive open world full of random junk (literal junk in this case) to collect. Sometimes the junk just stays. Other times it is hidden in remote locations. like Hit and run, you do some light platforming to reach these locations while completing silly quests for the townspeople, which often involve driving and jumping around town. I like it too Hit and runyou can get into any NPC’s car and ride around town as a passenger.

Turbo travel actually expands Hit and run by adding more upgrades that you can unlock as you play, such as a glider and different weapons. (Oh, don’t worry, there’s no combat in this game. You just use guns to break boxes or annoy random NPCs.) I also much prefer running and driving Turbo travel as the platforming really feels good and is super responsive compared to the harder controls in the Hit and run and even some other big open world games. (Looking at you Assassin’s Creed…)

Little Terry’s Turbo Ride it will probably take you less than four hours, but if you try to make and assemble everything, it can take less than six. Either way, you’re in for a great and fun open-world comedy game that in fact made me laugh a lot and which is a dream to play. It may not be so Hit and run 2, but it’s a damn good game in its own right.


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