You are currently viewing A billionaire wanted to save the Hubble telescope – that’s why NASA politely refused

A billionaire wanted to save the Hubble telescope – that’s why NASA politely refused

It has been 34 years since the Hubble Space Telescope was launched into the harsh and unforgiving environment of Earth’s orbit. It is about 320 miles (515 kilometers) above our planet right now, exposed to solar radiation, freezing temperatures and micrometeoroid impacts while providing breathtaking and textbook-changing images of The universe about us.

Thirty-four years under such stress takes its toll. Just earlier this week (June 4), NASA announced one of the Hubble Space TelescopeThe scientists’ remaining three gyroscopes, which help scientists make sure the ship is pointing in the right direction, failed. The observatory will now go into single gyro mode, keeping the other still working gyro in reserve so that there is a backup option to turn to when the time comes. That plan is expected to keep Hubble alive until the mid-2030s. But what happens after that? Well, maybe the end of Hubble. Maybe not.

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