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NASA persistence uncovers ancient geological secrets on Mars

NASA’s Perseverance rover has made significant strides in its mission to uncover the geological history of Mars by exploring the ancient river channel of the Neretva Valley.

At first it was thought to be just a clear route, devoid of rocks slowing the rover, Neretva valley turned out to be a geological treasure trove. After navigating through a challenging dune field to avoid potentially damaging rocks, the rover reached its latest area of ​​scientific interest on June 9.

This diversion not only shortened the driving time to the area called “Bright angel,” but also provided the science team with an opportunity to explore fascinating geological features within an ancient river channel.

Journey through the Neretva Valley

The Neretva valley a river channel that billions of years ago carried a significant flow of water into Jezero Crater offers a more efficient route for Perseverance to cross. Perseverance started alongside the channel in late January, initially making good progress.

However, the growing number and size of the rocks soon significantly slowed the rover’s progress. This difficult terrain forced the team to use the rover’s automatic navigation system, AutoNav, for safe passage, but even AutoNav found difficulties. Ultimately, the team identified a potential shortcut through a quarter-mile dune field within the river channel, a path they had been eyeing for some time.

Evan Grazer, Perseverance’s deputy strategic route planner at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, explained the team’s strategy: “We were watching the river channel just to the north as we went, hoping to find a section where the dunes were small and far enough apart for a rover to pass between – because dunes are known to eat rovers.

The team’s patience paid off when they found a suitable entry point and Persistence made a beeline for it, allowing the rover to effectively reach its first science stop within the channel.

Discoveries at Mount Washburn

One of Persistence notable stops was on Mount Washburn, a discovery identified from afar by the rover’s Mastcam-Z camera. This site attracted the interest of scientists because of its variety of stones and light-colored bedrock. Upon closer inspection, the team was amazed by the variety of colors and textures present, prompting a detailed analysis using Perseverance’s remote sensing instruments.

The discovery of such geological diversity at Mount Washburn opened up new avenues of research, providing a deeper insight into the history of the region.

A distinctive feature of Mt Washburn is a bright rock called ‘Atoko Point’, speckled with dark spots. Using Mastcam-Z for multispectral imaging and SuperCam for laser analysis, the team aims to decipher the composition and geological processes that formed Atoko Point. Preliminary analysis suggests that Atoko Point is composed of pyroxene and feldspar, with unique mineral grains and crystals that distinguish it from other rocks found at Mars.

Some scientists speculate that the minerals originated from a subsurface magma body, while others believe the stone may have been transported from far beyond Jezero Crater from ancient Martian waters.

Referral to Bright Angel

After the successful exploration of Mount Washburn, Persistence continued its journey covering 433 feet north to study the geology of “Tuff Cliff” before embarking on a longer trek to Bright angel. This next target, visible from orbital images, stands out because of its striking contrast with the surrounding terrain.

Bright angel

The scientific team is eager to explore the vertical stacking of rocks in the Bright angel to understand their connection to the Neretva valley and the crater rim. These studies are expected to reveal important information about the geological history of the Jezero crater and the role of water in shaping the Martian landscape.

Brad Garczynski of Western Washington University, one of the leaders of the ongoing scientific campaign, emphasized the importance of these findings: “The variety of textures and compositions at Mount Washburn was an exciting discovery for the team, as these rocks represent a bag of geological gifts pulled from the edge of the crater and potentially beyond.

The findings at Mount Washburn and the expected discoveries at Bright Angel are essential to the assemblage Mars complex geological history and understanding of the planet’s past environments.

Objectives of NASA’s Perseverance mission

The Perseverance study of Neretva valley is a critical component of its mission to reveal the history of water and geological activity on Mars. A key goal of the mission is astrobiology, including caching samples that may contain signs of ancient microbial life.

The rover’s findings add to our understanding of Mars’ geology and past climate, paving the way for future human exploration. Subsequent NASA missions, in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA), aim to return these samples to Earth for detailed analysis.

NASA’s Perseverance mission is part of a broader lunar-to-Mars exploration approach, including Artemis missions to the Moon, which will help prepare for human exploration of Red planet. Each new Perseverance discovery brings scientists closer to understanding the history of Mars and the possibility of ancient life, improving our knowledge of the Red Planet and its potential for future exploration.

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