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New dinosaur species identified and named by CSU faculty member

A new species of dinosaur sporting unusually ornate horns on its head and behind its neck lived alongside at least four other species of rhinoceros or elephant-type dinosaurs 78 million years ago in what is now northern Montana, researcher Joseph Sertich said.

Sertich, a Colorado State University faculty member, and University of Utah professor Mark Lowen identified and named the new species “Lokiceratops rangiformis.” The identification and name were announced Thursday in the scientific journal PeerJ.

Lociceratops is in the same family of horned dinosaurs as Triceratops, “but on the other side of the family tree; more than a cousin,” Sertich said in a telephone interview with the Coloradoan from the Smithsonian Institution for Tropical Studies in Panama, where the paleontologist works as a research associate.

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