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The magnificent Ring Nebula is a stunning sight for skygazing this week

I would guess that almost any good astronomy book will contain a picture of what can best be described as a “smoke ring” in the sky. Others may call it a donut or a cosmic bagel, but the popular name for this object is simply the Ring Nebula, located in the constellation Lyra, Lyra. Although generally considered a summer constellation, Lyra is still very well positioned for viewing, now more than two weeks into the fall season.

Go outside this week around 10:00 PM local summer time and look east. About two-thirds of the way up from the horizon, you’ll spot a brilliant bluish-white star. This is Vega, the brightest star in Lyra. The only other star at this hour that surpasses Vega in brightness is yellow-orange Arcturus in the constellation Volovar, the Shepherd. But Arcturus will be in the opposite part of the sky, about mid-southwest.

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