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Google’s AI reviews coincide with a decline in mobile searches

A new study by search industry expert Rand Fishkin found that Google’s launch of AI reviews in May led to a noticeable drop in search volume, especially on mobile devices.

The study, which analyzed millions of Google searches in the United States and the European Union, sheds light on the unexpected consequences of integrating AI.

Reviews of AI Propagation and Reversal

In May 2024, Google launched AI Reviews in the United States, which generate summaries for many search queries.

However, the feature was met with mixed reactions and was quickly brought back by the end of the month.

In a blog post published on May 30, Google acknowledged inaccurate or useless AI reviews, especially for unusual queries.

Google says it has implemented over a dozen technical improvements to its systems in response.

A follow-up study by SE Ranking found that the frequency of these summaries has decreased, with only 8% of searches now triggering an AI review. However, when displayed, these reviews are now longer and more detailed, with 25% more content on average.

SE Ranking also noted that since the expansion, AI reviews tend to link to fewer sources, typically around four.

Decline in mobile searches

Fishkin’s analysis reveals that the introduction of AI Overviews coincided with a marked drop in mobile searches in May.

While desktop searches saw a slight increase, the drop in mobile searches was significant, given that mobile devices account for nearly two-thirds of all Google queries.

This finding suggests that users may have been less inclined to search on their mobile devices when confronted with AI-generated summaries.

Fishkin comments:

“The most visible changes in May were shared by both the EU and the US, especially…Mobile searches fell significantly (if anything scares Google into bringing this feature back, I’d bet my money on it).”

He adds:

“If I ran Google, this decline in mobile searches (remember, mobile accounts for nearly 2/3 of all Google queries) would scare the crap out of me who adores stock prices.”

Impact on overall search behavior

Despite the decline in mobile searches, the study found that search behavior remained relatively stable during the implementation of AI reviews.

Mobile search clicks increased slightly, while desktop search clicks remained flat.

This shows that while some users may have been deterred from starting searches, those who engaged with the AI ​​reviews still clicked on results at a similar or slightly higher rate than in previous months.

Implications for Google and the search industry

The study highlights the challenges Google faces in integrating AI-generated content into its search results.

In addition, the research found other alarming trends in Google search behavior:

  • Low click-through rate: Only 360 out of every 1,000 Google searches in the US result in clicks to non-Google websites. The EU performs slightly better with 374 clicks per 1000 searches.
  • Zero-click searches dominate: Nearly 60% of searches in both regions result in no clicks, classified as “zero-click searches.”
  • Google Self Referral Traffic: About 30% of US search clicks go to Google properties, with a slightly lower percentage in the EU.

Why SEJ cares

This study highlights the need for adaptive SEO strategies.

As an industry, we may need to shift our focus to optimizing for zero-click searches and diversifying our traffic sources outside of Google.

The findings also raise questions about the future of AI in search.

While major tech companies continue to invest in AI technologies, this study suggests that implementation may not always yield the expected results.

Featured Image: Marco Lazzarini/Shutterstock

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