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China is proposing an ambitious Earth-Moon communications superhighway

Chinese scientists have unveiled ambitious plans to develop a comprehensive communication and navigation network between the Earth and the Moon.

This infrastructure aims to support The Moon of China research purposes and increasing the safety and efficiency of space travel. The proposed system includes a satellite constellation and ground stations providing real-time communication, navigation and surveillance services for lunar missions.

The Information Superhighway

Researchers from China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) and the Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Engineering outlined a road map for creating an information superhighway between the Earth and the Moon. This network will consist of 30 satellites and three lunar ground stations, enabling real-time communication and navigation for up to 20 simultaneous users.

Yang Manfeichief designer of China’s Chang’e-5 mission, emphasized the strategic importance of this project: “Cislunar space has become a new frontier for human activities. Space activities in this region are set to expand rapidly over the next decade, sparking a new round of global competition.” The infrastructure will support various space missions by providing precise positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) services essential as for both crewed and robotic missions.

Building this infrastructure is key to China in the long run goals in space exploration. The network aims to provide comprehensive communication, navigation and data transmission services, ensuring that lunar missions can be conducted with high accuracy and reliability. The ability to maintain real-time communication and navigation will be critical to the success of future lunar exploration and potential colonization efforts.

Stages of development

The development of the cislunar infrastructure is planned in three stages, each building on the previous one to create a robust and reliable network:

Beginning phase: This stage focuses on supporting robotic and crewed lunar missions with a pair of satellites in elliptical lunar orbits and a control station on the lunar surface. This initial system will allow communication with the south pole region of the Moon for at least 10 users simultaneously. It will lay the groundwork for more complex operations and establish the basic communication channels needed for lunar missions.

Expansion stage: In this phase, 10 satellites will orbit the Moon, Earth and specific locations known as Earth-Moon Lagrange points. A second lunar ground station will be established to improve data transmission rates to 5 gigabytes per second and improve navigation accuracy to 100 meters for the Moon’s south pole region. This stage aims to extend the coverage and improve the performance of the network, making it more capable of supporting different mission requirements.

Final stage: This stage integrates a comprehensive network of 30 satellites and three lunar ground stations, achieving a data transmission rate of 10 gigabytes per second. Navigation accuracy will improve to 10 meters for activities on the lunar surface and 50 meters for trips between the Earth and the Moon. A Very Long Baseline Interferometry System will track spacecraft at distances of up to 900 million kilometers with sub-kilometer accuracy, supporting deep space missions to Jupiter and beyond. “Our study presented a roadmap for assembling such a constellation step by step, expanding its coverage from the lunar south pole region to the entire moon,” said Peng Jing, deputy chief designer of China’s Chang’e-5 mission.

Lunar GPS: A high-precision navigation system

In addition to the communication network, Chinese scientists are planning a satellite navigation system around the moon, often called Lunar GPS. This system will provide high-precision location services, improving navigation and positioning accuracy for lunar surface movements, landings, and takeoffs.

The navigation system will be developed in three phases and will deploy satellites in four types of orbits. The goal is to maintain a sustainable and cost-effective design that ensures reliable coverage and high accuracy. Peng Jing elaborated on the importance of this system: “A satellite constellation in the near-lunar space can provide high-precision navigation and real-time positioning for lunar surface movement, landing and takeoff, and support long-term high-frequency human exploration of the moon.”

This Lunar GPS will be critical to the success of future lunar missions. By providing precise navigation data, it will help ensure safe landings, efficient surface operations and reliable return journeys. The system’s high-precision services will also be essential for scientific research, resource extraction and potential lunar settlement activities.

International competition and cooperation

The concept of cislunar space infrastructure is gaining popularity globally, with the US, Europe and Japan also proposing similar systems to support their lunar exploration ambitions. The United States Air Force is developing the Cislunar Highway Patrol System to detect, track, and identify man-made objects at lunar distances.

China’s initiative seeks to create a competitive advantage in the emerging cislunar economy and support the nation’s aspirations as a space power. The proposed infrastructure aims to avoid repetitive construction and optimize resource allocation for future missions, including manned moon landingthe construction of an international lunar exploration station and missions to explore the outer solar system.

In response to the growing interest in cislunar infrastructure, international cooperation can also play a crucial role. Sharing technology, data, and best practices can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of lunar exploration efforts. Joint projects could lead to more sustainable and mutually beneficial outcomes, promoting a spirit of cooperation in the peaceful use of outer space.

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