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Tesla owner walks on top of Cybertruck and breaks windshield

Subsequent video shows the truck’s windshield destroyed with a cinder block.

Tesla Shatter


It can be really hard to tell what’s satire and what’s not in these irony-driven days. Remember how Sony execs didn’t realize that the social media buzz behind the critical and commercial goof Morbius wasn’t real? They release a bad movie back into theaters only to have it fail even more. Likewise, it’s so hard to tell if all the Cybertruck owners are doing some highbrow, super meta satire, if they’ve bitten off more than they can chew, and are all trying to save face. A guy standing and subsequently breaking the windshield of his Cybertruck at a Tesla meeting seems like satire, but it’s not.

Originally posted on TikTok by user Tesla Owner Silicon Valley and then reposted by several unrelated users X (born on Twitter), the video shows a man walking in front of a Cybertruck wearing gray digital camouflage. The video opens with the man claiming that when you’re in a meeting with other Teslas and you’re driving “the best truck ever,” then you’re obligated to climb on top of the truck and ride over it because “it’s built to last. ” With a time of comedy matched only by the golden age of Saturday Night Livethe windshield makes a not-so-subtle crunch just as the man announces his weight of 240 pounds.

Cybertruck is durable

The Cybertruck’s semi-structural stainless steel alloy and tempered glass are certainly tougher than many cars on the road. However, they have their limits.

Initially, despite the title of the video, “Tesla Windshield Cracks,” it wasn’t entirely clear if the windshield actually cracked in the video. The author quickly gets off the back of the truck, then turns around to praise the truck again.

The following video on the owner’s page shows a broken Tesla windshield. The creator says he’s making “lemonade lemons” as he proceeds to smash the Cybertruck’s windshield with a cinder block. If you look closely, there is a large broken cobweb on the driver’s side of the windshield right where he stepped in the video before, in addition to the numerous cracks and chips created by throwing a cinder block on the truck’s windshield.

TikTok comments are pretty predictable. They all spend a day laughing at the owner’s stupidity. Some aren’t sure if the page is satirical or not, while others say the video is the height of sunk cost delusion.

I don’t want to make anyone feel bad or stupid about the things they want to do with their truck. Hell, it’s their truck, they’re the ones who paid for it. If they want to blow the thing up with a claymore mine a day or two after they buy it, that’s their business.

I’m just asking: What the hell are we even doing here? The Cybertruck quickly became a meme truck, where its polarizing styling and the actions of clueless and surly owners outweighed the weight of its kind of cool technological accomplishments. How many content creators have ended up with egg on their faces when trying to mimic Elon Musk’s not-so-scientific endurance tests? We’ve seen trucks riddled with bullets and wrecked as people cut their fingers in the Cybertruck’s sharp-edged doors.

When these things happen, some people will claim that they are “satire” or that they were just doing it for the clicks. At least in the video, the author tacitly admits that maybe walking on top of the cybertruck isn’t such a good idea. It won’t be a pretty repair either way.

We reached out to Tesla’s owners account in Silicon Valley, but they have not yet responded. Please can we just drive the truck like a normal person? I think we’ve all seen enough carnage with the Cybertruck.

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