Lorelei And The Laser Eyes doesn’t let its surreal creativity strip the puzzles of logic

“In one of Nero’s many manifestos,” reads surrealist puzzle box book Lorelei And The Laser Eyes, referring to its eccentric (read: tastefully deranged) antag artist, “there is a satirical proposition that claims that only dictators should be allowed to direct films. Developers Simogo – with credit for Sayonara Wild Hearts and Device 6 – seem to agree that this is a position worth bragging about. Lorelei, despite the single-solution puzzles, is no dictator. It is only too interested to cooperate with you for this. It wants you to observe, ponder and interpret its many mysteries. What really hooked me here is how these puzzles are kept consistent and logical, even though you get a letter from a dog and occasionally visit a bizarre world on a floppy disk where you talk to a wizard who manifests from his own discarded hat.


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