Larian finally raises his hands as one 1,400-hour Baldur’s Gate 3 player defeats all possible backups, including a magical fish, to doom the world and find new content

Nearly a year after the full release of Baldur's Gate 3, dedicated players are still finding rare interactions involving fuses and backup fuses designed to keep us from accidentally breaking…

Continue ReadingLarian finally raises his hands as one 1,400-hour Baldur’s Gate 3 player defeats all possible backups, including a magical fish, to doom the world and find new content

Giant dinosaur skeleton discovered in US state: ‘incredibly unusual’ 30ft Cretaceous monster nearly intact in ‘rare’ find dating back 80 MILLION years

The most complete dinosaur fossil ever found in Mississippi, called "incredibly unusual" by state officials, still remains 85 percent buried since its discovery in 2007.Paleontologists have confirmed that the specimen…

Continue ReadingGiant dinosaur skeleton discovered in US state: ‘incredibly unusual’ 30ft Cretaceous monster nearly intact in ‘rare’ find dating back 80 MILLION years