Webb does the ‘impossible’ – the space telescope captures the first look at the interior of an exoplanet

An artist's concept of WASP-107 b shows turbulent atmospheric mixing in the planet's gaseous envelope. Credit: Roberto Molar Candanosa/Johns Hopkins UniversityJames Webb Space Telescope The data reveal that WASP-107 b…

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The Hubble Space Telescope is facing a setback but should continue to operate for years, NASA says

A problem with one of the Hubble Space Telescope's three remaining gyroscopes, critical for pointing and locking onto targets, has prompted mission managers to switch to a backup control mode…

Continue ReadingThe Hubble Space Telescope is facing a setback but should continue to operate for years, NASA says

The Webb Telescope is helping to solve a long-standing mystery of why some planets look like they do

Astronomers believe they have solved a peculiar and well-established space mystery, NASA announced this week. Mainly using observations from the James Webb Space Telescope, two groups of researchers may have…

Continue ReadingThe Webb Telescope is helping to solve a long-standing mystery of why some planets look like they do